CrossFit Class 3-7-17


CrossFit Class 3-7-17

646 WOD 3-7-17

3 Rounds for Time:
30 Wall Balls
30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 35kg/25kg 75/55lbs
30 Box Jumps 24/20kg
30 Shoulder to Overhead 35/25kg 75/55lbs
30 Pull Ups
400 Meter Run


646 Upcoming Events


Wednesday March 1st – North 6:30am class moves to 6:00am!

Thursday March 2nd –  Live Announcement of 17.2 at 6PM!  BADASS CLASS CANCELLED…Open gym instead

Friday March 3rd – Friday Night Lights!  Do 17.2 with all of your friends at CrossFit 646!

Thursday March 9th – Live Announcement of 17.3 at 6PM!  BADASS CLASS CANCELLED…Open gym instead

Friday March 10th – Friday Night Lights!  Do 17.3 with all of your friends at CrossFit 646!

Thrusday March 16th – Live Announcement of 17.4 at 5PM!  BADASS CLASS CANCELLED…Open gym instead

Friday March 17th – Friday Night Lights!  Do 17.4 with all of your friends at CrossFit 646!

Thrusday March 23rd – Live Announcement of 17.5 at 5PM!  BADASS CLASS CANCELLED…Open gym instead

Friday March 24th – Friday Night Lights!  Do 17.5 with all of your friends at CrossFit 646!

March 31st  De-Fat Challenge Ends!  Pinch out!


2 Year Anniversary of  646!  Date and Location TBD!

Saturday April 8th  646 Weightlifting Club Mock Meet

Saturday April 22nd  Iron Athlete Weightlifting Meet!  Come out to Chandler and support your 646 Weightlifting Club!

SUMMER 2017   GRAND OPENING OF CrossFit 646 2.0!!!!!!