CrossFit WOD 7-10-17


CrossFit WOD 7-10-17

646 WOD 7-10-17

CrossFit Class
Close Grip Bench Press 5,4,3,2,1 (missed reps = 15 burpees)

Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes
16 KB Alt. Strict Press
100 Meter Run or Row

3 Rounds for Time:
10 Push Press 62/43
30 Toes to Bar
*10 minutes cap

At 12 minutes perform the following
3 Rounds for Time:
10 Ring Dips
30 KB Swings 20/16kg


Major Events Coming Up:

British National Weightlifting Championships:  July 15th for those of you who know Camille, she qualified for this over in Europe. She’ll be competing on the big stage so wish her luck!

THE BIG MOVE!  We’ll be moving the gym on Saturday July 15th and Sunday July 16th.  If you’d like to lend a hand that would be a huge help!!!  More details as we get closer!

Fittest of 646 2.0/ Grand Opening:  August 12th (see the CrossFit 646 Facebook page for the workouts)  I’m still in the process of finding partners for some of you.  If you’d like to compete and need a partner, let me know ASAP!

Legion of Beasts:  We are in the process of the Online Qualifier for this.  The actually competition is in September.  Workout two for the qualifier will be done in classes on Friday and Workout 3 will be done in class some time the week after, just depending on the workout and how it fits into our programming.

646 Mock Weightlifting Meet: Tentatively September 30th

Arizona State Weightlifting Championships: October 14th & 15th

American Open Weightlifting Championships: December 7th through 10th in Anaheim.