Melissa has been a member of CrossFit 646 since February of this year. Melissa came to 646 with an old shoulder injury, so she was a little apprehensive about starting CrossFit. She went through the foundations program with the main focus of being able to do CrossFit safely without re-injuring herself. Melissa focused on some shoulder strengthening exercises and worked very hard at perfecting her technique before adding any sort of weight. With a lot of practice, determination and hard work, Melissa has gone from using the PVC pipe to snatching 40 kgs!!!* She’s also beginning to master overhead gymnastic movements like toes to bar and pull ups. Pretty awesome considering she wasn’t crazy about hanging from the pull up bar a few months ago.* Melissa has regularly done the CrossFit class at 4:30 pm and then stayed for the Olympic Weightlifting & Gymnastics skills class at 6:30 pm with some mobility in between. Beyond the hard work, Melissa is an awesome person to have in class. Her tone is fiery when she cheers for other people in her group. It’s easy to say “good job” to someone, but every time
Melissa encourages someone it feels meaningful and motivating. There’s just something about hearing your name shouted during a WOD that makes you push a little harder and I’m amped every time someone who’s gassed (possibly to the point of slobbering) and takes the energy to cheer me on!!! It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it and Melissa is one of those voices that many of us have heard in such situations. Congratulations Melissa, for earning Athlete of the month and thanks for all of the ferocious and genuine encouragement during workouts! We all appreciate it!
*Results may vary.