Tuesday 9/22/15 WOD


Tuesday 9/22/15 WOD



On The Minute for 6 Minutes

On The Minute for 12 Minutes

Power Sn From knee 60%/3 (No Foot Movement)
Minute 1: 5 Push Press

On The Minute for 4 Minutes

Minute 2: 10 American KB Swings Snatch Pull 90%/3
Minute 3: 10 KB or Bent Over Rows

Then Take 8 Minutes to Find Your:

Push Press 5 Rep Max

With a Partner for 27 Minutes

Then 3 Rounds For Time:

Partner 1 Rows 400 Meters 100 Double Unders
While Partner 2 performs the following for reps: 50 Wall Balls
10 Overhead Squats 25 Handstand Push Ups
10 V-Ups
10 Wall Balls
*When Partner 1 finishes the row then athletes switch roles