CrossFit Class 7/15


CrossFit Class 7/15

Two sets of:
60 second Run 200m
60 second Plank walk ups
45 seconds of Sampson Pulses per Leg
45 seconds of Pigeon Pulses per Leg
30 seconds of Right Side Suitcase Hold
30 seconds of Left Side Suitcase Hold
30 seconds of Bodyweight Glute Bridges

WOD Specific Warm Up
Double DB Snatch
5 single arm sumo deadlift per arm
5 single arm snatch per arm
5 double DB snatch…can be sumo or conventional stance
1 head of each DB touches the ground

Practice round
4 wall balls
3 SHSPU or DB Strict Press
2 DB Snatch
10 Double unders

“Strength and Honour”
OT10M for 20 (2 sets)400M Run40 wall balls 20/14 or DB Thrusters or Air Squats30 SHSPU or DB Strict Press20 Double DB Snatches 50/35lbs100 Double Unders  **Time each round and write up scores for each