


Congratulations to Mike Joyce for earning CrossFit 646’s Athlete of the Month Award for August 2017!!!  Here is what Mike had to say about his experience at 646!!

1. How long have you been a member of CrossFit 646?
January 2017, so for about 8 months
2. What motivated you to start CrossFit?
It was my daughter, Emma that motivated me to start. She was telling me that she would like to be stronger, thinking that it would help her volleyball. I told her that the best way to do that was strength training. She told me that she was told “lifting weights makes women bulky.” I told her that wasn’t true and we started to look up pictures and videos of female weightlifters. The 2016 Summer Olympics had just ended, so we ended up looking at the pictures of those female athletes in particular. One that stood out was Mattie Rogers. Emma said that Ms. Rogers looked like any other girl, except she was strong! Emma wanted to lift weights like that. I started doing research and found Matt and Mel, Olympic Weightlifting Coaches at CrossFit 646. I mentioned to one of crossfitmy friends at work I was thinking about taking my daughter to 646 to check it out. It turns out my friend was (and is!) a member at 646! (Thanks Denisse!) I brought Emma and watched as she went through the foundations classes with Matt and Mel. I was so impressed with the Coaches; they truly cared about my daughter. She was not just a number; Emma was someone that the Coaches wanted to see be successful! I had done CrossFit in the past and had been trying to coach/train myself for a while. My training was stagnant to say the least! After seeing how the coaches interacted with my daughter and seeing Emma’s enthusiasm for all the elements of CrossFit, not just the weightlifting, I knew that I wanted to train here as well. Now our whole family, when not busy with sports or work, trains at 646!
3. What motivates you to continue pushing yourself?
Being fit and healthy for my family is important to me and motivates me to keep training. So I train for my wife, Amy and our children, Emma (Ehrma) and Will (Willis.) What also motivates me are the Coaches (Matt, Mel, Courtney, Nikki and Rachel) and all of the people at 646 and 646 North. Every time I work out, I never feel as if I am training alone. It is always “us” as a class, taking on the workout together. People here are so supportive and genuine; it motivates me to not let them down with anything less than my best effort.
4. Have you met any large goals since you’ve been a member of CrossFit 646?
When Matt asked me what my goals were when I first started, I believe I said something like this: “I want to be like a miniature version of a strongman.” Cheesy? Maybe… But I really feel like I am moving in the right direction! I have set PR’s in the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. And that strength has carried over into the WOD’s for sure! I also am doing multiple muscle-ups, strict muscle-ups and bar muscle-ups.
5. What obstacles have you overcome to meet your goals?
Probably the biggest obstacle I have overcome is staying out of my own way! I have learned (and I’m still learning!) that training is a process. Some days are “good” training days and others are “not so good.” And that is OK! As long as I when I come into train I do my very best, I know that in the long run I will achieve my goals. It’s like Matt says, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!”
6. It takes a village to accomplish major goals. Is there anyone who helped you or inspired you to meet your goals?
Matt, Mel, Courtney, Nikki and Rachel have all inspired me and taught me so much. I learn something new every single class. That is not an exaggeration; it is the truth. I learn something every time. Also, every person that trains at 646 inspires me every day. I really do feel we are all on the same team, striving to help each other reach the next level!
7. Do you have any goals that you’re focused on right now?
The primary goal is to Snatch 90kg and Clean and Jerk 110kg. I would also like to improve my gymnastics movements (HSPU’s, muscle-ups, bar muscle-ups) and my double-unders as well.

8. If you had to give one piece of advice to someone just starting out at CrossFit 646 what would it be?
Do the Foundations classes!!! It doesn’t matter how much (or how little!) experience you bring with you when you start. The Foundations classes teach you so much! You learn the philosophy of CrossFit and its methodology. You learn all of the basic movements and their standards. You get a chance to really connect with your coaches; you know them better and they better understand you. This allows them to train you even more effectively! Plus, when you are done with the classes you have a very firm baseline and understanding of your current fitness level. This gives you added confidence as you transition into the classes. You’ll know when and where you need to scale and you’ll have a familiarity with the exercises being done.
9. What do you love about CrossFit?
The people at 646 and 646 North really care about each other. It’s true and it is appreciated greatly! I also love that when I come into the gym, I don’t have any other worry at that moment. Sometimes I tend to stress about things over which I have no control. I have always been that way! But when I come here, surrounded by all of these great people, I think only about the work at hand. Lifting the weight, jumping over the box, pulling myself up… that is all that is there. Training is a time when I am truly in the moment. And I am so thankful for all of you for making it this way!