Tuesday 8-25-15 WOD


Tuesday 8-25-15 WOD



3 Rounds not for Time:

3 Rounds not for Time:

10 Band Pull Aparts (2021) 10 Band Pull Aparts (2021)
10 Russian Swings 10 Dumbell Rows (2021)
10 GHD Sit Ups 10 Barbell Leg Raises


AMRAP in 35 minutes with a partner and only 1 Partner working while the other Partner holds the paired position:

Clean 135/95 100 Dumbell Thrusters   /  Handstand Hold on a wall
Ring Dips 100 Jumping Pull Ups  / Plank
Rest 4 Minutes 100 Abmat Sit Ups  /  Glute Bridge

Then For Time:

100 Walking Lunges / Bottom position of an Air Squat
40-30-20-10 100 Russian Swings 20/16kg / Hollow Rock on Hips
Wall Balls
Double Unders

Then 3 Rounds not for Time:

10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Bent over Rows (2021)