Wednesday 9/23/15 WOD


Wednesday 9/23/15 WOD



Every 5 Minutes for 25 Minutes

On The Minute for 4 Minutes

3 Power Cleans Muscle Clean and Power Jerk 50%/3
5 Deadlifts Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes
8 Pistols 8 Front Squats
11 Dips Then
14 Pull Ups

Every Minute for 21 Minutes

17 Sit Ups Minute 1: 5 Burpee Box Jumps + 3 Muscle Ups
Rest for the remainder of the 5 Minutes If you fail to Minute 2: 10 Pistols
complete the exercises in the 5 Minutes, the workout turns Minute 3: 5 Strict Handstand Push Ups + 8 Bent Over Rows
into an AMRAP with the remaining time. Then
 *Choose a weight for Power cleans and deadlifts that will allow you to finish everything in the 5 minutes. Once you choose your weights, stick with it!

Not For Time:

GHR 12,12,12
Rear Delt Raise 15,15,15