Weekly WODs 12/11


Weekly WODs 12/11

For time:
100 double-unders
75 hang power cleans 75/55lbs
75 Sit Ups
75 push presses 75/55lbs
100 double-unders

3 Rounds
10/10 Single Arm DB Press
10 DB Lat Raise
10 Biceps Curl

Coach Krystal WOD
15 Min AMRAP
2,4,6,8,10,12 etc of Gymnastics Complex
10 Box Jumps 24/20

1 gymnastics complex =1 t2b, 1 c2b, 1 bmu

*The complex does not have to be unbroken
*10 Box Jumps after every set

3 sets
8 Alt DB Bench
Max Tricep Press Down

3 rounds for time with a partner:
10 rope climbs
20 burpee Over Bar
30 overhead squats (75/115 lb)

3-5 sets
10 deficit tempo push ups 1111
10 db lat raises
10 ring rows

AMRAP in 12 Minutes
7 Deadlifts 275/185lbs
14 Toes to Bar
200m Run

3 sets
20 Banded hamstring curl
6/6 Bulg SS

5 Rounds For Time
7 Ring Muscle Ups
21/16 Cal Bike

3 sets
5-10 Bar Dips
20 Banded hamstring curl
6/6 Bulg SS

Clean & Jerk 3,3,3,3,3

AMRAP in 8 Minutes
4 Front Squats 185/125lbs
4/3 Strict Pull Ups

3 rounds
10 BB Curls
15 Rear Delt Raises

Bench Press 5,4,3,2,1

12 Rounds For Cals
:30s Row
:30s Rest

4 sets
30s Front Rack Hold
30s Farmers Hold
30s Hang from pull up bar
30s Max Push Ups
30s Rest