Tucson CrossFit 3-19-16
If you did not complete Workout 16.4, then you will be doing 16.4. Click here to see the workout!
If you did complete Workout 16.4 on Friday, you will be working on Jerk Technique and then you’ll have a “Surprise” Workout 🙂
If you’re not competing on Sunday, and you’re not repeating 16.4 or you’re waiting until Monday to repeat then you’ll do the following:
Snatch singles up to 80% and then go by feel for 4 more sets (can be taken from the hang or blocks if your back is tired)
Clean & Jerk singles up to 80% and then go by feel for 4 more sets (cleans can be taken from the hang or blocks if your back is tired)
If you’re repeating 16.4 on Sunday, then some light monostructural movement for 20 minutes would be ideal today!