CrossFit WOD 11-10-15


CrossFit WOD 11-10-15



EMOM for 10 Minutes C & J 70%/1, 75%/1, 80%/1, 85%/1×2, 87.5%/1×2, 90%/1
10 Thrusters 20/15k Clean Pull 110%/2×5
Then max Sit Ups with the remaining time in the minute
*score is total sit ups Then:
3 Rounds each for time
3 rounds each for time with 1 minute rest in between rounds of:
20 Box Jumps 8-15 Thrusters 95/65
100 M Farmers Carry 8-15 Pull Ups
400m Run *choose your reps, but the goal is to go unbroken for each set
2 Minute Rest in Between Rounds Extra:
3 rounds each for time
400m Run
30 Double Unders
15 Wall Balls
3 Minute Rest in Between Rounds