CrossFit Performance & Olympic Weightlifting 5-9-16


CrossFit Performance & Olympic Weightlifting 5-9-16

CrossFit Performance & Olympic Weightlifting

Power Snatch Singles to max then (90%/1, 95%/1, 100%/1)x2 (PO)
Pwr Cl + Jerk Singles to max then (90%/1, 95%/1, 100%/1)x2 (PO)
Halting Sn Deadlift or Snatch Pull 105%/3×4 (PO)
Front Squat Singles to Max then (90%/1, 95%/1, 100%/1)x2 (PO)

(P) pick 3 gymnastics exercises and work on them for 15-20 minutes