CrossFit WOD 10-31-15


CrossFit WOD 10-31-15



Snatch 60/2, 65/2, 70%/2, 75%/2, 80%/2, 85%/1×3, 87.5%/1×3 Zombie WOD
Clean and Jerk 60/2, 65/2, 70%/2, 75%/2, 80%/2, 85%/1×3, 87.5%/1×3 If you are alive you will start the workout with the first group.  If you are a Zombie you will start the WOD exactly 3 minutes after the living people and try to catch them!
Run 800m
70 Double Unders
Strict Press X/5×3 60 Wall Balls
RDL X/5×3 (3011) or Hypers 50 Sit Ups
40 BB Snatches 40/30kg
Zombie WOD 30 Pull Ups
Run 400m
*If you are a Zombie you must catch at least one person.  If you fail to catch somebody you must do a penalty of 25 burpees after the workout.
**If you are alive and you get caught by any Zombies then you must also do the 25 burpees.
The only people who don’t do burpees are the living who don’t get caught and the Zombies who catch people.