CrossFit WOD 11-2-15


CrossFit WOD 11-2-15



Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes Snatch
Bench Press work to a heavy set of 5 over the 5 sets Take 10 Minutes to work to a Heavy Double (aim for 2-3 kg more than last week)
L-Sit Leg Raise 10 Then Perform 4 singles at the double weight with 1 min rest in between
15 Box Jumps 24/20 Then work to a Heavy Double on Overhead Squat (5% more than last week’s Triple)

Matt’s Manly B-Day WOD!

Back Squat X/3×5
32 Barbell Manmakers for time  50/35kg
(Barbell Manmaker – Burpee on the bar = keeping your hands on the barbell, perform Then 5 Rounds Not for Time of:
a strict push up so that your chest touches the bar and then deadlift the bar, then 5 Weighted Dips
perform two bent over rows touching the floor with each rep and then a squat clean 5 Weighted Pull Ups
into a thruster….complete the movement by jumping over the bar)

Matt’s Manly B-Day WOD!

32 Barbell Manmakers for time  50/35kg
(Barbell Manmaker – Burpee on the bar = keeping your hands on the barbell, perform
a strict push up so that your chest touches the bar and then deadlift the bar, then
perform two bent over rows touching the floor with each rep and then a squat clean
into a thruster….complete the movement by jumping over the bar)