Friday 8-21-15 WOD


Friday 8-21-15 WOD



Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes

Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes

Back Squat  65%/5, 70%/5, 75%/5, 80%/3, 85%/3, 90%/1, 90%+/1, (80%/3)3 Back Squat  65%/5, 70%/5, 75%/5, 80%/3, 85%/3, 90%/1, 90%+/1, (80%/3)3
Handstand Walk for Distance in 10 Seconds 2 Wall Walk Ups

Every 3 Minutes Complete the following for 27 Minutes

Every 3 Minutes Complete the following for 27 Minutes

Row 300 Meters 3-5 Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Box Jump 30/24 10 Box Jumps 30/24
3-6 Muscle Ups Row 200 Meters