CrossFit WOD 11-27-15


CrossFit WOD 11-27-15



Sumo Deadlift (30X1) 8,8,8,8 Snatch w/ pause at knee and in Squat 60-65%/3×3
Overhead Lunge 10,10,10,10 Then:
Plank or Chinese plank 50 Seconds Snatch 70%/2, 75%/2, 80%/2×4
20 Minute AMRAP with a partner with only 1 person working at a time of: Front Squat 10,10,10 working to a heavy set of 10
200 Double Unders
150 Russian Swings 20 Minute AMRAP with a partner and only 1 partner working at a time of:
100 Shoulder to Overhead Both Partners Run 400 Meters
50 Pull Ups 100 Calorie Row
100 Wall Balls