Monday 8-3-15
Performance: |
Fitness |
Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes | Alternating Minutes for 12 Minutes (4sets) |
Back Squat 70%/3, 75%/3, 80%/2, 85%/2,90%/1, 95%/1 | Minute 1: 6-8 Back Squats |
Minute 2: 8-10 L Sit Dumbell Press | |
Minute 3: Max TRX Rows | |
With a Partner for time with only 1 person working at a time: |
With a Partner for time with only 1 person working at a time: |
30 Cleans per person 62kg/44kg | 30 Muscle Cleans 35kg/25kg |
Then rest 4 minutes and perform the following forAMRAP in 3 Rounds of: |
Then rest 4 minutes and perform the following forAMRAP in 3 Rounds of: |
45 Seconds of Muscle Ups | 45 Seconds of Jumping Pull Ups |
45 Seconds of Handstand Walks for Distance | 45 Seconds of Hand Realease Push Ups |
45 Seconds of American Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg | 45 Seconds of Russian Kettlebell Swings 20/16kig |
45 Seconds rest | 45 Seconds rest |