Monday 8-3-15


Monday 8-3-15



Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes Alternating Minutes for 12 Minutes (4sets)
Back Squat 70%/3, 75%/3, 80%/2, 85%/2,90%/1, 95%/1 Minute 1:  6-8 Back Squats
Minute 2: 8-10 L Sit Dumbell Press
Minute 3: Max TRX Rows

With a Partner for time with only 1 person working at a time:

With a Partner for time with only 1 person working at a time:

30 Cleans per person 62kg/44kg 30 Muscle Cleans 35kg/25kg

Then rest 4 minutes and perform the following forAMRAP in 3 Rounds of:

Then rest 4 minutes and perform the following forAMRAP in 3 Rounds of:

45 Seconds of Muscle Ups 45 Seconds of Jumping Pull Ups
45 Seconds of Handstand Walks for Distance 45 Seconds of Hand Realease Push Ups
45 Seconds of American Kettlebell  Swings  24/16kg 45 Seconds of Russian Kettlebell Swings 20/16kig
45 Seconds rest 45 Seconds rest