Tucson CrossFit Gym 2-23-16


Tucson CrossFit Gym 2-23-16

Tucson CrossFit Gym



Alternating on the Minute for 21 Minutes (7 sets) Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes
Bench Press 8 3 (Clean High Pull + Clean Below Knee + Push Jerk) working up to moderate weight
KB Reverse Lunge 10 Then
Hollow Rocks 12 Clean & Jerk 60/3, 65/3, 70/2×2, 75/2×2, 80/1×2, 85%/1×2, 90/1
Thruster X/5×3
For Time: RDL X/5×3
75 – 45 – 15
Air Squat to Med Ball 3 RNFT
25 – 15 – 5 15 Handstand Push Ups (determine your mix of strict and kipping)
Pull Ups 15/10 Pull Ups (determine your mix of strict, kipping or weighted)
Ring Dips 10 Strict Toes to Bar
15 GHR’s
Row 2×1000 Meters at Moderate Pace Row 2×1000 Meters at Moderate Pace